What can I say, life gave back a little piece of my heart “Angry birds” litter came to this world on 6th of December
Egra and Deligth’s Hornet gave their essence into this small litter of 3 girls and 1 boy
they got names from birds of preys because of Egra’s temperament and Tanto’s speed. I imagined this breeding when Tanto borned in 2020 and it was more strong when I follow his successful sport carrier, his kind temperament and slowly blossom sweet personality of this young boy. We hope to get 4 agile, toughte, nice babies with lots of the good old drive of Catahoulas!
Parents:Schvartzman’s La Negra (Cowboy Hat’s Faso & Southermoth’s Muna) borned in Paraguay
Delight’s Hornet (Uchi Aka Inu’s Maska & Esca) borned in Hungary
Infos about their results and health are on flyer and more coming soon in separated post.
(Dry info about their color: Mm and McMa+ carries a risk of + in this breeding what was a conscious decision, their inside values meant a lot for us and honestly, we were curious about what 2 brindle give.)

for more pictures please check our FACEBOOK album
Breeding informations

Click here for
Egra’s datasheet (Hungarian only)
Egra’s photo gallery
Egra’s facebook album